The first idea as published by Savitri Bhavan

When we study the text of Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri, it is often interesting to know what has been said about particular words or passages, by Sri Aurobindo himself, by the Mother, by disciples such as Nolini, Purani, Amal Kiran, Nirodbaran, teachers such as Tehmi, Jhumur, Shraddhavan and others, or information from other sources.  […] The computer makes it possible to have a full text of the poem, annotated in such a way that a user could easily access, by clicking on a link, any such information which is available in digital form.

This possibility has inspired us to initiate the compilation of a ‘Savitri Encyclopedia’ in digital form, which could be contributed to by many researchers, and added to over time indefinitely. A way has to be found to link the relevant materials with the corresponding word, lines or text in the poem. One could envisage a series of ‘footnotes’ giving a reference to the text of the original material, including a link to a digital source of that material, so that a single click could take the user to that source, wherever it may be stored on the internet (or in ‘the cloud’).

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The Beginning of the Work

This project is meant to provide a powerful platform for the future to gather, organize and publish the work of several researchers, collecting the various levels of information by Sri Aurobindo and Mother themselves as well as by all the students and scholars on Savitri in the past, making them accessible directly liked to the relevant parts of the book. In this way the Savitri Online Encyclopedia could become a tool providing readers and researchers of different levels of knowledge a help in reading and understanding Sri Aurobindo’s amazing work.

When finished, Savitri researchers from all over the world are invited to contribute to the Encyclopedia. New materials will be selected, edited and put online by one or a few central editors taking care of the project. Our wish is to establish a cooperative collaboration between researchers and editors to make the process effective and satisfying for both sides.

To bring this project one step closer towards reality, Sebastian, one year volunteer at Savitri Bhavan since mid-January 2018, started to put up a draft for an appropriate online framework which is meant to provide the described features. Anybody who is interested to support and join the ongoing work or wants to give feedback or suggestions is very welcome to contact us by the contact form.

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