(S 1) |
AT LAST there came a bare indifferent sky |
Where Silence listened to the cosmic Voice, |
But answered nothing to a million calls; |
The soul’s endless question met with no response. |
(S 2) |
5 |
An abrupt conclusion ended eager hopes, |
A deep cessation in a mighty calm, |
A finis-line on the last page of thought |
And a margin and a blank of wordless peace. |
(S 3) |
There paused the climbing hierarchy of worlds. |
(S 4) |
10 |
He stood on a wide arc of summit Space |
Alone with an enormous Self of Mind |
Which held all life in a corner of its vasts. |
(S 5) |
Omnipotent, immobile and aloof, |
In the world which sprang from it, it took no part: |
15 |
It gave no heed to the paeans of victory, |
It was indifferent to its own defeats, |
It heard the cry of grief and made no sign; |
Impartial fell its gaze on evil and good, |
It saw destruction come and did not move. |
(S 6) |
20 |
An equal Cause of things, a lonely Seer |
And Master of its multitude of forms, |
It acted not but bore all thoughts and deeds, |
The witness Lord of Nature’s myriad acts |
Consenting to the movements of her Force. |
(S 7) |
25 |
His mind reflected this vast quietism. |
(S 8) |
This witness hush is the Thinker’s secret base: |
Hidden in silent depths the word is formed, |
From hidden silences the act is born |
Into the voiceful mind, the labouring world; |
30 |
In secrecy wraps the seed the Eternal sows |
Silence, the mystic birthplace of the soul. |
(S 9) |
In God’s supreme withdrawn and timeless hush |
A seeing Self and potent Energy met; |
The Silence knew itself and thought took form: |
35 |
Self-made from the dual power creation rose. |
(S 10) |
In the still self he lived and it in him; |
Its mute immemorable listening depths, |
Its vastness and its stillness were his own; |
One being with it he grew wide, powerful, free. |
(S 11) |
40 |
Apart, unbound, he looked on all things done. |
(S 12) |
As one who builds his own imagined scenes |
And loses not himself in what he sees, |
Spectator of a drama self-conceived, |
He looked on the world and watched its motive thoughts |
45 |
With the burden of luminous prophecy in their eyes, |
Its forces with their feet of wind and fire |
Arisen from the dumbness in his soul. |
(S 13) |
All now he seemed to understand and know; |
Desire came not nor any gust of will, |
50 |
The great perturbed inquirer lost his task; |
Nothing was asked nor wanted any more. |
(S 14) |
There he could stay, the Self, the Silence won: |
His soul had peace, it knew the cosmic Whole. |
(S 15) |
Then suddenly a luminous finger fell |
55 |
On all things seen or touched or heard or felt |
And showed his mind that nothing could be known; |
That must be reached from which all knowledge comes. |
(S 16) |
The sceptic Ray disrupted all that seems |
And smote at the very roots of thought and sense. |
(S 17) |
60 |
In a universe of Nescience they have grown, |
Aspiring towards a superconscient Sun, |
Playing in shine and rain from heavenlier skies |
They never can win however high their reach |
Or overpass however keen their probe. |
(S 18) |
65 |
A doubt corroded even the means to think, |
Distrust was thrown upon Mind’s instruments; |
All that it takes for reality’s shining coin, |
Proved fact, fixed inference, deduction clear, |
Firm theory, assured significance, |
70 |
Appeared as frauds upon Time’s credit bank |
Or assets valueless in Truth’s treasury. |
(S 19) |
An Ignorance on an uneasy throne |
Travestied with a fortuitous sovereignty |
A figure of knowledge garbed in dubious words |
75 |
And tinsel thought-forms brightly inadequate. |
(S 20) |
A labourer in the dark dazzled by half-light, |
What it knew was an image in a broken glass, |
What it saw was real but its sight untrue. |
(S 21) |
All the ideas in its vast repertory |
80 |
Were like the mutterings of a transient cloud |
That spent itself in sound and left no trace. |
(S 22) |
A frail house hanging in uncertain air, |
The thin ingenious web round which it moves, |
Put out awhile on the tree of the universe, |
85 |
And gathered up into itself again, |
Was only a trap to catch life’s insect food, |
Winged thoughts that flutter fragile in brief light |
But dead, once captured in fixed forms of mind, |
Aims puny but looming large in man’s small scale, |
90 |
Flickers of imagination’s brilliant gauze |
And cobweb-wrapped beliefs alive no more. |
(S 23) |
The magic hut of built-up certitudes |
Made out of glittering dust and bright moonshine |
In which it shrines its image of the Real, |
95 |
Collapsed into the Nescience whence it rose. |
(S 24) |
Only a gleam was there of symbol facts |
That shroud the mystery lurking in their glow, |
And falsehoods based on hidden realities |
By which they live until they fall from Time. |
(S 25) |
100 |
Our mind is a house haunted by the slain past, |
Ideas soon mummified, ghosts of old truths, |
God’s spontaneities tied with formal strings |
And packed into drawers of reason’s trim bureau, |
A grave of great lost opportunities, |
105 |
Or an office for misuse of soul and life |
And all the waste man makes of heaven’s gifts |
And all his squanderings of Nature’s store, |
A stage for the comedy of Ignorance. |
(S 26) |
The world seemed a long aeonic failure’s scene: |
110 |
All sterile grew, no base was left secure. |
(S 27) |
Assailed by the edge of the convicting beam |
The builder Reason lost her confidence |
In the successful sleight and turn of thought |
That makes the soul the prisoner of a phrase. |
(S 28) |
115 |
Its highest wisdom was a brilliant guess, |
Its mighty structured science of the worlds |
A passing light on being’s surfaces. |
(S 29) |
There was nothing there but a schema drawn by sense, |
A substitute for eternal mysteries, |
120 |
A scrawl figure of reality, a plan |
And elevation by the architect Word |
Imposed upon the semblances of Time. |
(S 30) |
Existence’ self was shadowed by a doubt; |
Almost it seemed a lotus-leaf afloat |
125 |
On a nude pool of cosmic Nothingness. |
(S 31) |
This great spectator and creator Mind |
Was only some half-seeing’s delegate, |
A veil that hung between the soul and Light, |
An idol, not the living body of God. |
(S 32) |
130 |
Even the still spirit that looks upon its works |
Was some pale front of the Unknowable; |
A shadow seemed the wide and witness Self, |
Its liberation and immobile calm |
A void recoil of being from Time-made things, |
135 |
Not the self-vision of Eternity. |
(S 33) |
Deep peace was there, but not the nameless Force: |
Our sweet and mighty Mother was not there |
Who gathers to her bosom her children’s lives, |
Her clasp that takes the world into her arms |
140 |
In the fathomless rapture of the Infinite, |
The Bliss that is creation’s splendid grain |
Or the white passion of God-ecstasy |
That laughs in the blaze of the boundless heart of Love. |
(S 34) |
A greater Spirit than the Self of Mind |
145 |
Must answer to the questioning of his soul. |
(S 35) |
For here was no firm clue and no sure road; |
High-climbing pathways ceased in the unknown; |
An artist Sight constructed the Beyond |
In contrary patterns and conflicting hues; |
150 |
A part-experience fragmented the Whole. |
(S 36) |
He looked above, but all was blank and still: |
A sapphire firmament of abstract Thought |
Escaped into a formless Vacancy. |
(S 37) |
He looked below, but all was dark and mute. |
(S 38) |
155 |
A noise was heard, between, of thought and prayer, |
A strife, a labour without end or pause; |
A vain and ignorant seeking raised its voice. |
(S 39) |
A rumour and a movement and a call, |
A foaming mass, a cry innumerable |
160 |
Rolled ever upon the ocean surge of Life |
Along the coasts of mortal Ignorance. |
(S 40) |
On its unstable and enormous breast |
Beings and forces, forms, ideas like waves |
Jostled for figure and supremacy, |
165 |
And rose and sank and rose again in Time; |
And at the bottom of the sleepless stir, |
A Nothingness parent of the struggling worlds, |
A huge creator Death, a mystic Void, |
For ever sustaining the irrational cry, |
170 |
For ever excluding the supernal Word, |
Motionless, refusing question and response, |
Reposed beneath the voices and the march |
The dim Inconscient’s dumb incertitude. |
(S 41) |
Two firmaments of darkness and of light |
175 |
Opposed their limits to the spirit’s walk; |
It moved veiled in from Self’s infinity |
In a world of beings and momentary events |
Where all must die to live and live to die. |
(S 42) |
Immortal by renewed mortality, |
180 |
It wandered in the spiral of its acts |
Or ran around the cycles of its thought, |
Yet was no more than its original self |
And knew no more than when it first began. |
(S 43) |
To be was a prison, extinction the escape. |