(S 1) |
THEN could he see the hidden heart of Night: |
The labour of its stark unconsciousness |
Revealed the endless terrible Inane. |
(S 2) |
A spiritless blank Infinity was there; |
5 |
A Nature that denied the eternal Truth |
In the vain braggart freedom of its thought |
Hoped to abolish God and reign alone. |
(S 3) |
There was no sovereign Guest, no witness Light; |
Unhelped it would create its own bleak world. |
(S 4) |
10 |
Its large blind eyes looked out on demon acts, |
Its deaf ears heard the untruth its dumb lips spoke; |
Its huge misguided fancy took vast shapes, |
Its mindless sentience quivered with fierce conceits; |
Engendering a brute principle of life |
15 |
Evil and pain begot a monstrous soul. |
(S 5) |
The Anarchs of the formless depths arose, |
Great Titan beings and demoniac powers, |
World-egos racked with lust and thought and will, |
Vast minds and lives without a spirit within: |
20 |
Impatient architects of error’s house, |
Leaders of the cosmic ignorance and unrest |
And sponsors of sorrow and mortality |
Embodied the dark Ideas of the Abyss. |
(S 6) |
A shadow substance into emptiness came, |
25 |
Dim forms were born in the unthinking Void |
And eddies met and made an adverse Space |
In whose black folds Being imagined Hell. |
(S 7) |
His eyes piercing the triple-plated gloom |
Identified their sight with its blind stare: |
30 |
Accustomed to the unnatural dark, they saw |
Unreality made real and conscious Night. |
(S 8) |
A violent, fierce and formidable world, |
An ancient womb of huge calamitous dreams, |
Coiled like a larva in the obscurity |
35 |
That keeps it from the spear-points of Heaven’s stars. |
(S 9) |
It was the gate of a false Infinite, |
An eternity of disastrous absolutes, |
An immense negation of spiritual things. |
(S 10) |
All once self-luminous in the spirit’s sphere |
40 |
Turned now into their own dark contraries: |
Being collapsed into a pointless void |
That yet was a zero parent of the worlds; |
Inconscience swallowing up the cosmic Mind |
Produced a universe from its lethal sleep; |
45 |
Bliss into black coma fallen, insensible, |
Coiled back to itself and God’s eternal joy |
Through a false poignant figure of grief and pain |
Still dolorously nailed upon a cross |
Fixed in the soil of a dumb insentient world |
50 |
Where birth was a pang and death an agony, |
Lest all too soon should change again to bliss. |
(S 11) |
Thought sat, a priestess of Perversity, |
On her black tripod of the triune Snake |
Reading by opposite signs the eternal script, |
55 |
A sorceress reversing life’s God-frame. |
(S 12) |
In darkling aisles with evil eyes for lamps |
And fatal voices chanting from the apse, |
In strange infernal dim basilicas |
Intoning the magic of the unholy Word, |
60 |
The ominous profound Initiate |
Performed the ritual of her Mysteries. |
(S 13) |
There suffering was Nature’s daily food |
Alluring to the anguished heart and flesh, |
And torture was the formula of delight, |
65 |
Pain mimicked the celestial ecstasy. |
(S 14) |
There Good, a faithless gardener of God, |
Watered with virtue the world’s upas-tree |
And, careful of the outward word and act, |
Engrafted his hypocrite blooms on native ill. |
(S 15) |
70 |
All high things served their nether opposite: |
The forms of Gods sustained a demon cult; |
Heaven’s face became a mask and snare of Hell. |
(S 16) |
There in the heart of vain phenomenon, |
In an enormous action’s writhen core |
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He saw a Shape illimitable and vague |
Sitting on Death who swallows all things born. |
(S 17) |
A chill fixed face with dire and motionless eyes, |
Her dreadful trident in her shadowy hand |
Outstretched, she pierced all creatures with one fate. |