(S 1) |
A triple realm of ordered thought came first, |
A small beginning of immense ascent: |
Above were bright ethereal skies of mind, |
A packed and endless soar as if sky pressed sky |
170 |
Buttressed against the Void on bastioned light; |
The highest strove to neighbour eternity, |
The largest widened into the infinite. |
(S 2) |
But though immortal, mighty and divine, |
The first realms were close and kin to human mind; |
175 |
Their deities shape our greater thinking’s roads, |
A fragment of their puissance can be ours: |
These breadths were not too broad for our souls to range, |
These heights were not too high for human hope. |
(S 3) |
A triple flight led to this triple world. |
(S 4) |
180 |
Although abrupt for common strengths to tread, |
Its upward slope looks down on our earth-poise: |
On a slant not too precipitously steep |
One could turn back travelling deep descending lines |
To commune with the mortal’s universe. |
(S 5) |
185 |
The mighty wardens of the ascending stair |
Who intercede with the all-creating Word, |
There waited for the pilgrim heaven-bound soul; |
Holding the thousand keys of the Beyond |
They proffered their knowledge to the climbing mind |
190 |
And filled the life with Thought’s immensities. |
(S 6) |
The prophet hierophants of the occult Law, |
The flame-bright hierarchs of the divine Truth, |
Interpreters between man’s mind and God’s, |
They bring the immortal fire to mortal men. |
(S 7) |
195 |
Iridescent, bodying the invisible, |
The guardians of the Eternal’s bright degrees |
Fronted the Sun in radiant phalanxes. |
(S 8) |
Afar they seemed a symbol imagery, |
Illumined originals of the shadowy script |
200 |
In which our sight transcribes the ideal Ray, |
Or icons figuring a mystic Truth, |
But, nearer, Gods and living Presences. |
(S 9) |
A march of friezes marked the lowest steps; |
Fantastically ornate and richly small, |
205 |
They had room for the whole meaning of a world, |
Symbols minute of its perfection’s joy, |
Strange beasts that were Nature’s forces made alive |
And, wakened to the wonder of his role, |
Man grown an image undefaced of God |
210 |
And objects the fine coin of Beauty’s reign; |
But wide the terrains were those levels serve. |
(S 10) |
In front of the ascending epiphany |
World-Time’s enjoyers, favourites of World-Bliss, |
The Masters of things actual, lords of the hours, |
215 |
Playmates of youthful Nature and child God, |
Creators of Matter by hid stress of Mind |
Whose subtle thoughts support unconscious Life |
And guide the fantasy of brute events, |
Stood there, a race of young keen-visioned gods, |
220 |
King-children born on Wisdom’s early plane, |
Taught in her school world-making’s mystic play. |
(S 11) |
Archmasons of the eternal Thaumaturge, |
Moulders and measurers of fragmented Space, |
They have made their plan of the concealed and known |
225 |
A dwelling-house for the invisible king. |
(S 12) |
Obeying the Eternal’s deep command |
They have built in the material front of things |
This wide world-kindergarten of young souls |
Where the infant spirit learns through mind and sense |
230 |
To read the letters of the cosmic script |
And study the body of the cosmic self |
And search for the secret meaning of the whole. |
(S 13) |
To all that Spirit conceives they give a mould; |
Persuading Nature into visible moods |
235 |
They lend a finite shape to infinite things. |
(S 14) |
Each power that leaps from the Unmanifest |
Leaving the largeness of the Eternal’s peace |
They seized and held by their precisian eye |
And made a figurante in the cosmic dance. |
(S 15) |
240 |
Its free caprice they bound by rhythmic laws |
And compelled to accept its posture and its line |
In the wizardry of an ordered universe. |
(S 16) |
The All-containing was contained in form, |
Oneness was carved into units measurable, |
245 |
The limitless built into a cosmic sum: |
Unending Space was beaten into a curve, |
Indivisible Time into small minutes cut, |
The infinitesimal massed to keep secure |
The mystery of the Formless cast into form. |
(S 17) |
250 |
Invincibly their craft devised for use |
The magic of sequent number and sign’s spell, |
Design’s miraculous potency was caught |
Laden with beauty and significance |
And by the determining mandate of their gaze |
255 |
Figure and quality equating joined |
In an inextricable identity. |
(S 18) |
On each event they stamped its curves of law |
And its trust and charge of burdened circumstance; |
A free and divine incident no more |
260 |
At each moment willed or adventure of the soul, |
It lengthened a fate-bound mysterious chain, |
A line foreseen of an immutable plan, |
One step more in Necessity’s long march. |
(S 19) |
A term was set for every eager Power |
265 |
Restraining its will to monopolise the world, |
A groove of bronze prescribed for force and act |
And shown to each moment its appointed place |
Forewilled inalterably in the spiral |
Huge Time-loop fugitive from eternity. |
(S 20) |
270 |
Inevitable their thoughts like links of Fate |
Imposed on the leap and lightning race of mind |
And on the frail fortuitous flux of life |
And on the liberty of atomic things |
Immutable cause and adamant consequence. |
(S 21) |
275 |
Idea gave up the plastic infinity |
To which it was born and now traced out instead |
Small separate steps of chain-work in a plot: |
Immortal once, now tied to birth and end, |
Torn from its immediacy of errorless sight, |
280 |
Knowledge was rebuilt from cells of inference |
Into a fixed body flasque and perishable; |
Thus bound it grew, but could not last and broke |
And to a new thinking’s body left its place. |
(S 22) |
A cage for the Infinite’s great-eyed seraphim Thoughts |
285 |
Was closed with a criss-cross of world-laws for bars |
And hedged into a curt horizon’s arc |
The irised vision of the Ineffable. |
(S 23) |
A timeless Spirit was made the slave of the hours; |
The Unbound was cast into a prison of birth |
290 |
To make a world that Mind could grasp and rule. |
(S 24) |
On an earth which looked towards a thousand suns, |
That the created might grow Nature’s lord |
And Matter’s depths be illumined with a soul |
They tied to date and norm and finite scope |
295 |
The million-mysteried movement of the One. |
(S 25) |
Above stood ranked a subtle archangel race |
With larger lids and looks that searched the unseen. |
(S 26) |
A light of liberating knowledge shone |
Across the gulfs of silence in their eyes; |
300 |
They lived in the mind and knew truth from within; |
A sight withdrawn in the concentrated heart |
Could pierce behind the screen of Time’s results |
And the rigid cast and shape of visible things. |
(S 27) |
All that escaped conception’s narrow noose |
305 |
Vision descried and gripped; their seeing thoughts |
Filled in the blanks left by the seeking sense. |
(S 28) |
High architects of possibility |
And engineers of the impossible, |
Mathematicians of the infinitudes |
310 |
And theoricians of unknowable truths, |
They formulate enigma’s postulates |
And join the unknown to the apparent worlds. |
(S 29) |
Acolytes they wait upon the timeless Power, |
The cycle of her works investigate; |
315 |
Passing her fence of wordless privacy |
Their mind could penetrate her occult mind |
And draw the diagram of her secret thoughts; |
They read the codes and ciphers she had sealed, |
Copies they made of all her guarded plans, |
320 |
For every turn of her mysterious course |
Assigned a reason and unchanging rule. |
(S 30) |
The unseen grew visible to student eyes, |
Explained was the immense Inconscient’s scheme, |
Audacious lines were traced upon the Void; |
325 |
The Infinite was reduced to square and cube. |
(S 31) |
Arranging symbol and significance, |
Tracing the curve of a transcendent Power, |
They framed the cabbala of the cosmic Law, |
The balancing line discovered of Life’s technique |
330 |
And structured her magic and her mystery. |
(S 32) |
Imposing schemes of knowledge on the Vast |
They clamped to syllogisms of finite thought |
The free logic of an infinite Consciousness, |
Grammared the hidden rhythms of Nature’s dance, |
335 |
Critiqued the plot of the drama of the worlds, |
Made figure and number a key to all that is: |
The psycho-analysis of cosmic Self |
Was traced, its secrets hunted down, and read |
The unknown pathology of the Unique. |
(S 33) |
340 |
Assessed was the system of the probable, |
The hazard of fleeing possibilities, |
To account for the Actual’s unaccountable sum, |
Necessity’s logarithmic tables drawn, |
Cast into a scheme the triple act of the One. |
(S 34) |
345 |
Unveiled, the abrupt invisible multitude |
Of forces whirling from the hands of Chance |
Seemed to obey some vast imperative: |
Their tangled motives worked out unity. |
(S 35) |
A wisdom read their mind to themselves unknown, |
350 |
Their anarchy rammed into a formula |
And from their giant randomness of Force, |
Following the habit of their million paths, |
Distinguishing each faintest line and stroke |
Of a concealed unalterable design, |
355 |
Out of the chaos of the Invisible’s moods |
Derived the calculus of Destiny. |
(S 36) |
In its bright pride of universal lore |
Mind’s knowledge overtopped the Omniscient’s power: |
The Eternal’s winging eagle puissances |
360 |
Surprised in their untracked empyrean |
Stooped from their gyres to obey the beck of Thought: |
Each mysteried God forced to revealing form, |
Assigned his settled moves in Nature’s game, |
Zigzagged at the gesture of a chess-player Will |
365 |
Across the chequerboard of cosmic Fate. |
(S 37) |
In the wide sequence of Necessity’s steps |
Predicted, every act and thought of God, |
Its values weighed by the accountant Mind, |
Checked in his mathematised omnipotence, |
370 |
Lost its divine aspect of miracle |
And was a figure in a cosmic sum. |
(S 38) |
The mighty Mother’s whims and lightning moods |
Arisen from her all-wise unruled delight |
In the freedom of her sweet and passionate breast, |
375 |
Robbed of their wonder were chained to a cause and aim; |
An idol of bronze replaced her mystic shape |
That captures the movements of the cosmic vasts, |
In the sketch precise of an ideal face |
Forgotten was her eyelashes’ dream-print |
380 |
Carrying on their curve infinity’s dreams, |
Lost the alluring marvel of her eyes; |
The surging wave-throbs of her vast sea-heart |
They bound to a theorem of ordered beats: |
Her deep designs which from herself she had veiled |
385 |
Bowed self-revealed in their confessional. |
(S 39) |
For the birth and death of the worlds they fixed a date, |
The diameter of infinity was drawn, |
Measured the distant arc of the unseen heights |
And visualised the plumbless viewless depths, |
390 |
Till all seemed known that in all time could be. |
(S 40) |
All was coerced by number, name and form; |
Nothing was left untold, incalculable. |
(S 41) |
Yet was their wisdom circled with a nought: |
Truths they could find and hold but not the one Truth: |
395 |
The Highest was to them unknowable. |
(S 42) |
By knowing too much they missed the whole to be known: |
The fathomless heart of the world was left unguessed |
And the Transcendent kept its secrecy. |
(S 43) |
In a sublimer and more daring soar |
400 |
To the wide summit of the triple stairs |
Bare steps climbed up like flaming rocks of gold |
Burning their way to a pure absolute sky. |
(S 44) |
August and few the sovereign Kings of Thought |
Have made of Space their wide all-seeing gaze |
405 |
Surveying the enormous work of Time: |
A breadth of all-containing Consciousness |
Supported Being in a still embrace. |
(S 45) |
Intercessors with a luminous Unseen, |
They capt in the long passage to the world |
410 |
The imperatives of the creator Self |
Obeyed by unknowing earth, by conscious heaven; |
Their thoughts are partners in its vast control. |
(S 46) |
A great all-ruling Consciousness is there |
And Mind unwitting serves a higher Power; |
415 |
It is a channel, not the source of all. |
(S 47) |
The cosmos is no accident in Time; |
There is a meaning in each play of Chance, |
There is a freedom in each face of Fate. |
(S 48) |
A Wisdom knows and guides the mysteried world; |
420 |
A Truth-gaze shapes its beings and events; |
A Word self-born upon creation’s heights, |
Voice of the Eternal in the temporal spheres, |
Prophet of the seeings of the Absolute, |
Sows the Idea’s significance in Form |
425 |
And from that seed the growths of Time arise. |
(S 49) |
On peaks beyond our ken the All-Wisdom sits: |
A single and infallible look comes down, |
A silent touch from the supernal’s air |
Awakes to ignorant knowledge in its acts |
430 |
The secret power in the inconscient depths, |
Compelling the blinded Godhead to emerge, |
Determining Necessity’s nude dance |
As she passes through the circuit of the hours |
And vanishes from the chase of finite eyes |
435 |
Down circling vistas of aeonic Time. |
(S 50) |
The unseizable forces of the cosmic whirl |
Bear in their bacchant limbs the fixity |
Of an original foresight that is Fate. |
(S 51) |
Even Nature’s ignorance is Truth’s instrument; |
440 |
Our struggling ego cannot change her course: |
Yet is it a conscious power that moves in us, |
A seed-idea is parent of our acts |
And destiny the unrecognised child of Will. |
(S 52) |
Infallibly by Truth’s directing gaze |
445 |
All creatures here their secret self disclose, |
Forced to become what in themselves they hide. |
(S 53) |
For He who Is grows manifest in the years |
And the slow Godhead shut within the cell |
Climbs from the plasm to immortality. |
(S 54) |
450 |
But hidden, but denied to mortal grasp, |
Mystic, ineffable is the spirit’s truth, |
Unspoken, caught only by the spirit’s eye. |
(S 55) |
When naked of ego and mind it hears the Voice; |
It looks through light to ever greater light |
455 |
And sees Eternity ensphering Life. |
(S 56) |
This greater Truth is foreign to our thoughts; |
Where a free Wisdom works, they seek for a rule; |
Or we only see a tripping game of Chance |
Or a labour in chains forced by bound Nature’s law, |
460 |
An absolutism of dumb unthinking Power. |
(S 57) |
Audacious in their sense of God-born strength |
These dared to grasp with their thought Truth’s absolute; |
By an abstract purity of godless sight, |
By a percept nude, intolerant of forms, |
465 |
They brought to Mind what Mind could never reach |
And hoped to conquer Truth’s supernal base. |
(S 58) |
A stripped imperative of conceptual phrase |
Architectonic and inevitable |
Translated the unthinkable into thought: |
470 |
A silver-winged fire of naked subtle sense, |
An ear of mind withdrawn from the outward’s rhymes |
Discovered the seed-sounds of the eternal Word, |
The rhythm and music heard that built the worlds, |
And seized in things the bodiless Will to be. |
(S 59) |
475 |
The Illimitable they measured with number’s rods |
And traced the last formula of limited things, |
In transparent systems bodied termless truths, |
The Timeless made accountable to Time |
And valued the incommensurable Supreme. |
(S 60) |
480 |
To park and hedge the ungrasped infinitudes |
They erected absolute walls of thought and speech |
And made a vacuum to hold the One. |
(S 61) |
In their sight they drove towards an empty peak, |
A mighty space of cold and sunlit air. |
(S 62) |
485 |
To unify their task, excluding life |
Which cannot bear the nakedness of the Vast, |
They made a cipher of a multitude, |
In negation found the meaning of the All |
And in nothingness the absolute positive. |
(S 63) |
490 |
A single law simplessed the cosmic theme, |
Compressing Nature into a formula; |
Their titan labour made all knowledge one, |
A mental algebra of the Spirit’s ways, |
An abstract of the living Divinity. |
(S 64) |
495 |
Here the mind’s wisdom stopped; it felt complete; |
For nothing more was left to think or know: |
In a spiritual zero it sat throned |
And took its vast silence for the Ineffable. |