(S 1)
As one who sets his sail towards mysteried shores
120 Driven through huge oceans by the breath of God,
The fathomless below, the unknown around,
His soul abandoned the blind star-field, Space.
(S 2)
Afar from all that makes the measured world,
125 Back from mind’s foaming surface to the Vasts
Voiceless within us in omniscient sleep.
(S 3)
Above the imperfect reach of word and thought, EoS
Beyond the sight that seeks support of form,
Lost in deep tracts of superconscient Light,
130 Or voyaging in blank featureless Nothingness,
Sole in the trackless Incommensurable,
Or past not-self and self and selflessness,
Transgressing the dream-shores of conscious mind
He reached at last his sempiternal base.
(S 4)
On sorrowless heights no winging cry disturbs,
Pure and untouched above this mortal play
Is spread the spirit’s hushed immobile air.
(S 5)
There no beginning is and there no end;
There is the stable force of all that moves;
There the aeonic labourer is at rest.
(S 6)
There turns no keyed creation in the void, EoS
No giant mechanism watched by a soul;
There creaks no fate-turned huge machinery;
The marriage of evil with good within one breast, EoS
The clash of strife in the very clasp of love,
The dangerous pain of life’s experiment
In the values of Inconsequence and Chance,
The peril of mind’s gamble, throwing our lives
As stake in a wager of indifferent gods
150 And the shifting lights and shadows of the idea
Falling upon the surface consciousness,
And in the dream of a mute witness soul
Creating the error of a half-seen world
Where knowledge is a seeking ignorance,
155 Life’s steps a stumbling series without suit,
Its aspect of fortuitous design,
Its equal measure of the true and false
In that immobile and immutable realm
Find no access, no cause, no right to live:
160 There only reigns the spirit’s motionless power
Poised in itself through still eternity
And its omniscient and omnipotent peace.
(S 7)
Thought clashes not with thought and truth with truth, EoS
There is no war of right with rival right;
165 There are no stumbling and half-seeing lives
Passing from chance to unexpected chance,
No suffering of hearts compelled to beat
In bodies of the inert Inconscient’s make.
(S 8)
Armed with the immune occult unsinking Fire
The guardians of Eternity keep its law
For ever fixed upon Truth’s giant base
In her magnificent and termless home.
(S 9)
There Nature on her dumb spiritual couch
Immutably transcendent knows her source
And to the stir of multitudinous worlds
Assents unmoved in a perpetual calm.
(S 10)
All-causing, all-sustaining and aloof,
The Witness looks from his unshaken poise,
An Eye immense regarding all things done.
(S 11)
180 Apart, at peace above creation’s stir,
Immersed in the eternal altitudes,
He abode defended in his shoreless self,
Companioned only by the all-seeing One.
(S 12)
A Mind too mighty to be bound by Thought, EoS
185 A Life too boundless for the play in Space,
A Soul without borders unconvinced of Time,
He felt the extinction of the world’s long pain,
He became the unborn Self that never dies,
He joined the sessions of Infinity.
(S 13)
On the cosmic murmur primal loneliness fell,
Annulled was the contact formed with time-born things,
Empty grew Nature’s wide community.
(S 14)
All things were brought back to their formless seed,
The world was silent for a cyclic hour.
(S 15)
Although the afflicted Nature he had left
Maintained beneath him her broad numberless fields,
Her enormous act, receding, failed remote
As if a soulless dream at last had ceased.
(S 16)
No voice came down from the high Silences,
None answered from her desolate solitudes.
(S 17)
A stillness of cessation reigned, the wide
Immortal hush before the gods are born;
A universal Force awaited, mute,
The veiled Transcendent’s ultimate decree.