In strange domains where all was living sense
But mastering thought was not nor cause nor rule,
Only a crude child-heart cried for toys of bliss,
Mind flickered, a disordered infant glow,
And random shapeless energies drove towards form
And took each wisp-fire for a guiding sun.
In the ‘strange domains’, the countries and territories of this first Kingdom of the Little Life, ‘all was living sense’: sense- impressions are the only form of consciousness available to Life there. The first living creatures had only senses to guide them, to tell them “This is good for you” or “This is dangerous, better draw back”, “This is something you can eat” or “This is not good for you”: a very primitive sense- consciousness. In those domains there is no ‘mastering thought’ to give guidance, no awareness of ‘cause’ or of ‘rule’: ‘Only a crude child-heart cried for toys of bliss’: this is the only way in which the Life-Force can express itself – in a very simple form of desire and longing. ‘Mind’ there can only show itself as ‘a disordered infant glow’, a first disorganised form of light. There, ‘random shapeless energies drove towards form’: formless energies which have emerged randomly, by chance, without rhyme or reason, are pressing to take form, but they have no discrimination and no guiding principle. They ‘took each wisp-fire for a guiding sun’. With this phrase ‘wisp- fire’ Sri Aurobindo makes us think of the ‘will-o’-the-wisp’ phenomenon. It is caused by marsh gasses such as methane produced by rotting vegetation in swampy areas. In the dark these exhalations glow with a kind of phosphorescence or bio- luminescence as they drift above the muddy ground.
At this stage in the development of Life, there is no mastering thought, no possibility of stepping back, observing, understanding and controlling. There does not even seem to be any particular cause; everything is just happening randomly, by chance. No rules or laws have yet been established. There are only experimental attempts – fumblings, gropings, seekings – nothing has yet been fixed and organised. The only direction is given by ‘a crude child- heart’, unformed, without guidance, instinctively crying out for things to play with: ‘toys of bliss’. (Actually, we are all the time crying out for bliss. We think we want this or that, but what our heart really longs for is bliss.) Mind is just beginning to be born. Flickering like a candle flame in the wind, this first light of mind-consciousness is disordered, unreliable. It is just an infant, newly born; it is only a glow, a faint light. The energies there are formless, shapeless, moving at random without any directing mind or will behind. They are pushing towards form: they need forms, bodies to express their souls; but they have no guidance. They take any little light that appears – ‘each wisp-fire’ – ‘for a guiding sun’.
[Shraddhavan’s English of Savitri, Book 2]