(S 1) |
A MIND absolved from life, made calm to know, |
A heart divorced from the blindness and the pang, |
The seal of tears, the bond of ignorance, |
He turned to find that wide world-failure’s cause. |
(S 2) |
5 |
Away he looked from Nature’s visible face |
And sent his gaze into the viewless Vast, |
The formidable unknown Infinity, |
Asleep behind the endless coil of things, |
That carries the universe in its timeless breadths |
10 |
And the ripples of its being are our lives. |
(S 3) |
The worlds are built by its unconscious Breath |
And Matter and Mind are its figures or its powers, |
Our waking thoughts the output of its dreams. |
(S 4) |
The veil was rent that covers Nature’s depths: |
15 |
He saw the fount of the world’s lasting pain |
And the mouth of the black pit of Ignorance; |
The evil guarded at the roots of life |
Raised up its head and looked into his eyes. |
(S 5) |
On a dim bank where dies subjective Space, |
20 |
From a stark ridge overlooking all that is, |
A tenebrous awakened Nescience, |
Her wide blank eyes wondering at Time and Form, |
Stared at the inventions of the living Void |
And the Abyss whence our beginnings rose. |
(S 6) |
25 |
Behind appeared a grey carved mask of Night |
Watching the birth of all created things. |
(S 7) |
A hidden Puissance conscious of its force, |
A vague and lurking Presence everywhere, |
A contrary Doom that threatens all things made, |
30 |
A Death figuring as the dark seed of life, |
Seemed to engender and to slay the world. |
(S 8) |
Then from the sombre mystery of the gulfs |
And from the hollow bosom of the Mask |
Something crept forth that seemed a shapeless Thought. |
(S 9) |
35 |
A fatal Influence upon creatures stole |
Whose lethal touch pursued the immortal spirit, |
On life was laid the haunting finger of death |
And overcast with error, grief and pain |
The soul’s native will for truth and joy and light. |
(S 10) |
40 |
A deformation coiled that claimed to be |
The being’s very turn, Nature’s true drive. |
(S 11) |
A hostile and perverting Mind at work |
In every corner ensconced of conscious life |
Corrupted Truth with her own formulas; |
45 |
Interceptor of the listening of the soul, |
Afflicting knowledge with the hue of doubt |
It captured the oracles of the occult gods, |
Effaced the signposts of Life’s pilgrimage, |
Cancelled the firm rock-edicts graved by Time, |
50 |
And on the foundations of the cosmic Law |
Erected its bronze pylons of misrule. |
(S 12) |
Even Light and Love by that cloaked danger’s spell |
Turned from the brilliant nature of the gods |
To fallen angels and misleading suns, |
55 |
Became themselves a danger and a charm, |
A perverse sweetness, heaven-born malefice: |
Its power could deform divinest things. |
(S 13) |
A wind of sorrow breathed upon the world; |
All thought with falsehood was besieged, all act |
60 |
Stamped with defect or with frustration’s sign, |
All high attempt with failure or vain success, |
But none could know the reason of his fall. |
(S 14) |
The grey Mask whispered and, though no sound was heard, |
Yet in the ignorant heart a seed was sown |
65 |
That bore black fruit of suffering, death and bale. |
(S 15) |
Out of the chill steppes of a bleak Unseen |
Invisible, wearing the Night’s grey mask, |
Arrived the shadowy dreadful messengers, |
Invaders from a dangerous world of power, |
70 |
Ambassadors of evil’s absolute. |
(S 16) |
In silence the inaudible voices spoke, |
Hands that none saw planted the fatal grain, |
No form was seen, yet a dire work was done, |
An iron decree in crooked uncials written |
75 |
Imposed a law of sin and adverse fate. |
(S 17) |
Life looked at him with changed and sombre eyes: |
Her beauty he saw and the yearning heart in things |
That with a little happiness is content, |
Answering to a small ray of truth or love; |
80 |
He saw her gold sunlight and her far blue sky, |
Her green of leaves and hue and scent of flowers |
And the charm of children and the love of friends |
And the beauty of women and kindly hearts of men, |
But saw too the dreadful Powers that drive her moods |
85 |
And the anguish she has strewn upon her ways, |
Fate waiting on the unseen steps of men |
And her evil and sorrow and last gift of death. |
(S 18) |
A breath of disillusion and decadence |
Corrupting watched for Life’s maturity |
90 |
And made to rot the full grain of the soul: |
Progress became a purveyor of Death. |
(S 19) |
A world that clung to the law of a slain Light |
Cherished the putrid corpses of dead truths, |
Hailed twisted forms as things free, new and true, |
95 |
Beauty from ugliness and evil drank |
Feeling themselves guests at a banquet of the gods |
And tasted corruption like a high-spiced food. |
(S 20) |
A darkness settled on the heavy air; |
It hunted the bright smile from Nature’s lips |
100 |
And slew the native confidence in her heart |
And put fear’s crooked look into her eyes. |
(S 21) |
The lust that warps the spirit’s natural good |
Replaced by a manufactured virtue and vice |
The frank spontaneous impulse of the soul: |
105 |
Afflicting Nature with the dual’s lie, |
Their twin values whetted a forbidden zest, |
Made evil a relief from spurious good, |
The ego battened on righteousness and sin |
And each became an instrument of Hell. |
(S 22) |
110 |
In rejected heaps by a monotonous road |
The old simple delights were left to lie |
On the wasteland of life’s descent to Night. |
(S 23) |
All glory of life was dimmed, tarnished with doubt; |
All beauty ended in an aging face; |
115 |
All power was dubbed a tyranny cursed by God |
And Truth a fiction needed by the mind: |
The chase of joy was now a tired hunt; |
All knowledge was left a questioning Ignorance. |