(S 1) |
Then the scene changed, but kept its dreadful core: |
Altering its form the life remained the same. |
(S 2) |
A capital was there without a State: |
It had no ruler, only groups that strove. |
(S 3) |
240 |
He saw a city of ancient Ignorance |
Founded upon a soil that knew not Light. |
(S 4) |
There each in his own darkness walked alone: |
Only they agreed to differ in Evil’s paths, |
To live in their own way for their own selves |
245 |
Or to enforce a common lie and wrong; |
There Ego was lord upon his peacock seat |
And Falsehood sat by him, his mate and queen: |
The world turned to them as Heaven to Truth and God. |
(S 5) |
Injustice justified by firm decrees |
250 |
The sovereign weights of Error’s legalised trade, |
But all the weights were false and none the same; |
Ever she watched with her balance and a sword, |
Lest any sacrilegious word expose |
The sanctified formulas of her old misrule. |
(S 6) |
255 |
In high professions wrapped self-will walked wide |
And licence stalked prating of order and right: |
There was no altar raised to Liberty; |
True freedom was abhorred and hunted down: |
Harmony and tolerance nowhere could be seen; |
260 |
Each group proclaimed its dire and naked Law. |
(S 7) |
A frame of ethics knobbed with scriptural rules |
Or a theory passionately believed and praised |
A table seemed of high Heaven’s sacred code. |
(S 8) |
A formal practice mailed and iron-shod |
265 |
Gave to a rude and ruthless warrior kind |
Drawn from the savage bowels of the earth |
A proud stern poise of harsh nobility, |
A civic posture rigid and formidable. |
(S 9) |
But all their private acts belied the pose: |
270 |
Power and utility were their Truth and Right, |
An eagle rapacity clawed its coveted good, |
Beaks pecked and talons tore all weaker prey. |
(S 10) |
In their sweet secrecy of pleasant sins |
Nature they obeyed and not a moralist God. |
(S 11) |
275 |
Inconscient traders in bundles of contraries, |
They did what in others they would persecute; |
When their eyes looked upon their fellow’s vice, |
An indignation flamed, a virtuous wrath; |
Oblivious of their own deep-hid offence, |
280 |
Moblike they stoned a neighbour caught in sin. |
(S 12) |
A pragmatist judge within passed false decrees, |
Posed worst iniquities on equity’s base, |
Reasoned ill actions just, sanctioned the scale |
Of the merchant ego’s interest and desire. |
(S 13) |
285 |
Thus was a balance kept, the world could live. |
(S 14) |
A zealot fervour pushed their ruthless cults, |
All faith not theirs bled scourged as heresy; |
They questioned, captived, tortured, burned or smote |
And forced the soul to abandon right or die. |
(S 15) |
290 |
Amid her clashing creeds and warring sects |
Religion sat upon a blood-stained throne. |
(S 16) |
A hundred tyrannies oppressed and slew |
And founded unity upon fraud and force. |
(S 17) |
Only what seemed was prized as real there: |
295 |
The ideal was a cynic ridicule’s butt; |
Hooted by the crowd, mocked by enlightened wits, |
Spiritual seeking wandered outcasted, — |
A dreamer’s self-deceiving web of thought |
Or mad chimaera deemed or hypocrite’s fake, |
300 |
Its passionate instinct trailed through minds obscure |
Lost in the circuits of the Ignorance. |
(S 18) |
A lie was there the truth and truth a lie. |
(S 19) |
Here must the traveller of the upward Way — |
For daring Hell’s kingdoms winds the heavenly route — |
305 |
Pause or pass slowly through that perilous space, |
A prayer upon his lips and the great Name. |
(S 20) |
If probed not all discernment’s keen spear-point, |
He might stumble into falsity’s endless net. |
(S 21) |
Over his shoulder often he must look back |
310 |
Like one who feels on his neck an enemy’s breath; |
Else stealing up behind a treasonous blow |
Might prostrate cast and pin to unholy soil, |
Pierced through his back by Evil’s poignant stake. |
(S 22) |
So might one fall on the Eternal’s road |
315 |
Forfeiting the spirit’s lonely chance in Time |
And no news of him reach the waiting gods, |
Marked “missing” in the register of souls, |
His name the index of a failing hope, |
The position of a dead remembered star. |
(S 23) |
320 |
Only were safe who kept God in their hearts: |
Courage their armour, faith their sword, they must walk, |
The hand ready to smite, the eye to scout, |
Casting a javelin regard in front, |
Heroes and soldiers of the army of Light. |
(S 24) |
325 |
Hardly even so, the grisly danger past, |
Released into a calmer purer air, |
They dared at length to breathe and smile once more. |
(S 25) |
Once more they moved beneath a real sun. |
(S 26) |
Though Hell claimed rule, the spirit still had power. |
(S 27) |
330 |
This No-man’s-land he passed without debate; |
Him the heights missioned, him the Abyss desired: |
None stood across his way, no voice forbade. |
(S 28) |
For swift and easy is the downward path, |
And now towards the Night was turned his face. |