(S 1) |
As from a womb obscure he saw emerge |
120 |
The body and visage of a dark Unseen |
Hidden behind the fair outsides of life. |
(S 2) |
Its dangerous commerce is our suffering’s cause. |
(S 3) |
Its breath is a subtle poison in men’s hearts; |
All evil starts from that ambiguous face. |
(S 4) |
125 |
A peril haunted now the common air; |
The world grew full of menacing Energies, |
And wherever turned for help or hope his eyes, |
In field and house, in street and camp and mart |
He met the prowl and stealthy come and go |
130 |
Of armed disquieting bodied Influences. |
(S 5) |
A march of goddess figures dark and nude |
Alarmed the air with grandiose unease; |
Appalling footsteps drew invisibly near, |
Shapes that were threats invaded the dream-light, |
135 |
And ominous beings passed him on the road |
Whose very gaze was a calamity: |
A charm and sweetness sudden and formidable, |
Faces that raised alluring lips and eyes |
Approached him armed with beauty like a snare, |
140 |
But hid a fatal meaning in each line |
And could in a moment dangerously change. |
(S 6) |
But he alone discerned that screened attack. |
(S 7) |
A veil upon the inner vision lay, |
A force was there that hid its dreadful steps; |
145 |
All was belied, yet thought itself the truth; |
All were beset but knew not of the siege: |
For none could see the authors of their fall. |
(S 8) |
Aware of some dark wisdom still withheld |
That was the seal and warrant of this strength, |
150 |
He followed the track of dim tremendous steps |
Returning to the night from which they came. |
(S 9) |
A tract he reached unbuilt and owned by none: |
There all could enter but none stay for long. |
(S 10) |
It was a no man’s land of evil air, |
155 |
A crowded neighbourhood without one home, |
A borderland between the world and hell. |
(S 11) |
There unreality was Nature’s lord: |
It was a space where nothing could be true, |
For nothing was what it had claimed to be: |
160 |
A high appearance wrapped a specious void. |
(S 12) |
Yet nothing would confess its own pretence |
Even to itself in the ambiguous heart: |
A vast deception was the law of things; |
Only by that deception they could live. |
(S 13) |
165 |
An unsubstantial Nihil guaranteed |
The falsehood of the forms this Nature took |
And made them seem awhile to be and live. |
(S 14) |
A borrowed magic drew them from the Void; |
They took a shape and stuff that was not theirs |
170 |
And showed a colour that they could not keep, |
Mirrors to a phantasm of reality. |
(S 15) |
Each rainbow brilliance was a splendid lie; |
A beauty unreal graced a glamour face. |
(S 16) |
Nothing could be relied on to remain: |
175 |
Joy nurtured tears and good an evil proved, |
But never out of evil one plucked good: |
Love ended early in hate, delight killed with pain, |
Truth into falsity grew and death ruled life. |
(S 17) |
A Power that laughed at the mischiefs of the world, |
180 |
An irony that joined the world’s contraries |
And flung them into each other’s arms to strive, |
Put a sardonic rictus on God’s face. |
(S 18) |
Aloof, its influence entered everywhere |
And left a cloven hoof-mark on the breast; |
185 |
A twisted heart and a strange sombre smile |
Mocked at the sinister comedy of life. |
(S 19) |
Announcing the advent of a perilous Form |
An ominous tread softened its dire footfall |
That none might understand or be on guard; |
190 |
None heard until a dreadful grasp was close. |
(S 20) |
Or else all augured a divine approach, |
An air of prophecy felt, a heavenly hope, |
Listened for a gospel, watched for a new star. |
(S 21) |
The Fiend was visible but cloaked in light; |
195 |
He seemed a helping angel from the skies: |
He armed untruth with Scripture and the Law; |
He deceived with wisdom, with virtue slew the soul |
And led to perdition by the heavenward path. |
(S 22) |
A lavish sense he gave of power and joy, |
200 |
And, when arose the warning from within, |
He reassured the ear with dulcet tones |
Or took the mind captive in its own net; |
His rigorous logic made the false seem true. |
(S 23) |
Amazing the elect with holy lore |
205 |
He spoke as with the very voice of God. |
(S 24) |
The air was full of treachery and ruse; |
Truth-speaking was a stratagem in that place; |
Ambush lurked in a smile and peril made |
Safety its cover, trust its entry’s gate: |
210 |
Falsehood came laughing with the eyes of truth; |
Each friend might turn an enemy or spy, |
The hand one clasped ensleeved a dagger’s stab |
And an embrace could be Doom’s iron cage. |
(S 25) |
Agony and danger stalked their trembling prey |
215 |
And softly spoke as to a timid friend: |
Attack sprang suddenly vehement and unseen; |
Fear leaped upon the heart at every turn |
And cried out with an anguished dreadful voice; |
It called for one to save but none came near. |
(S 26) |
220 |
All warily walked, for death was ever close; |
Yet caution seemed a vain expense of care, |
For all that guarded proved a deadly net, |
And when after long suspense salvation came |
And brought a glad relief disarming strength, |
225 |
It served as a smiling passage to worse fate. |
(S 27) |
There was no truce and no safe place to rest; |
One dared not slumber or put off one’s arms: |
It was a world of battle and surprise. |
(S 28) |
All who were there lived for themselves alone; |
230 |
All warred against all, but with a common hate |
Turned on the mind that sought some higher good; |
Truth was exiled lest she should dare to speak |
And hurt the heart of darkness with her light |
Or bring her pride of knowledge to blaspheme |
235 |
The settled anarchy of established things. |