(S 1)
All was uncovered to his sealless eye.
(S 2)
330 A secret Nature stripped of her defence,
Once in a dreaded half-light formidable,
Overtaken in her mighty privacy
Lay bare to the burning splendour of his will.
(S 3)
In shadowy chambers lit by a strange sun EoS
335 And opening hardly to hid mystic keys
Her perilous arcanes and hooded Powers
Confessed the advent of a mastering Mind
And bore the compulsion of a time-born gaze.
(S 4)
Incalcuable in their wizard modes,
Immediate and invincible in the act,
Her secret strengths native to greater worlds
Lifted above our needy limited scope,
The occult privilege of demigods
And the sure power-pattern of her cryptic signs,
345 Her diagrams of geometric force,
Her potencies of marvel-fraught design
Courted employment by an earth-nursed might.
(S 5)
A conscious Nature’s quick machinery EoS
Armed with a latent splendour of miracle
The prophet-passion of a seeing Mind,
And the lightning bareness of a free soul-force.
(S 6)
All once impossible deemed could now become
A natural limb of possibility,
A new domain of normalcy supreme.
(S 7)
An almighty occultist erects in Space
This seeming outward world which tricks the sense;
He builds bodies for his shapeless energy;
Out of the unformed and vacant Vast he has made EoS
His sorcery of solid images,
His magic of formative numbe and design,
The fixed irrational links none can annul,
This criss-cross tangle of invisible laws;
His infallible rules, his covered processes, EoS
Achieve unerringly an inexplicable
Creation where our error carves dead frames
Of knowledge for a living ignorance.
(S 8)
In her mystery’s moods divorced from the Maker’s laws
She too as sovereignly creates her field,
370 Her will shaping the undetermined vasts,
Making a finite of infinity;
She too can make an order of her caprice,
As if her rash superb wagered to outvie
The veiled Creator’s cosmic secrecies.
(S 9)
375 The rapid footsteps of her fantasy,
Amid whose falls wonders like flowers rise,
Are surer than reason, defter than device
And swifter than Imagination’s wings.
(S 10)
All she new-fashions by the thought and word,
Compels all substance by her wand of Mind.
(S 11)
Mind is a mediator divinity: EoS
Its powers can undo all Nature’s work:
Mind can suspend or change earth’s concrete law.
(S 12)
Affranchised from earth-habit’s drowsy seal
The leaden grip of Matter it can break;
Indifferent to the angry stare of Death,
It can immortalise a moment’s work:
A simple fiat of its thinking force,
The casual pressure of its slight assent
Can liberate the Energy dumb and pent
Within its chambers of mysterious trance:
It makes the body’s sleep a puissant arm,
Holds still the breath, the beatings of the heart,
While the unseen is found, the impossible done,
395 Communicates without means the unspoken thought;
It moves events by its bare silent will,
Acts at a distance without hands or feet.
(S 13)
This giant Ignorance, this dwarfish Life
It can illumine with a prophet sight,
Invoke the bacchic rapture, the Fury’s goad,
In our body arouse the demon or the god,
Call in the Omniscient and Omnipotent,
Awake a forgotten Almightiness within.
(S 14)
In its own plane a shining emperor, EoS
405 Even in this rigid realm, Mind can be king:
The logic of its demigod Idea
In the leap of a transitional moment brings
Surprises of creation never achieved
Even by Matter’s strange unconscious skill.
(S 15)
410 All’s miracle here and can by miracle change. (MA)
(S 16)
This is that secret Nature’s edge of might.
(S 17)
On the margin of great immaterial planes,
In kingdoms of an untrammelled glory of force,
Where Mind is master of the life and form
415 And soul fulfils its thoughts by its own power,
She meditates upon mighty words and looks
On the unseen links that join the parted spheres.
(S 18)
Thence to the initiate who observes her laws
She brings the light of her mysterious realms:
Here where he stands, his feet on a prostrate world,
His mind no more cast into Matter’s mould,
Over their bounds in spurts of splendid strength
She carries their magician processes
And the formulas of their stupendous speech,
Till heaven and hell become purveyors to earth
And the universe the slave of mortal will.
(S 19)
A mediatrix with veiled and nameless gods
Whose alien will touches our human life,
Imitating the World-Magician’s ways
She invents for her self-bound free-will its grooves
And feigns for magic’s freaks a binding cause.
(S 20)
All worlds she makes the partners of her deeds,
Accomplices of her mighty violence,
Her daring leaps into the impossible:
435 From every source she has taken her cunning means,
She draws from the free-love marriage of the planes
Elements for her creation’s tour-de-force:
A wonder-weft of knowledge incalculable,
A compendium of divine invention’s feats
440 She has combined to make the unreal true
Or liberate suppressed reality:
In her unhedged Circean wonderland
Pell-mell she shepherds her occult mightinesses;
Her mnemonics of the craft of the Infinite,
Jets of the screened subliminal’s caprice,
Tags of the gramarye of Inconscience,
Freedom of a sovereign Truth without a law,
Thoughts that were born in the immortals’ world, EoS
Oracles that break out from behind the shrine,
Warnings from the daemonic inner voice
And peeps and lightning-leaps of prophecy
And intimations to the inner ear,
Abrupt interventions stark and absolute
And the Superconscient’s unaccountable acts,
455 Have woven her balanced web of miracles
And the weird technique of her tremendous art.
(S 21)
This bizarre kingdom passed into his charge.
(S 22)
As one resisting more the more she loves,
Her great possessions and her power and lore
460 She gave, compelled, with a reluctant joy;
Herself she gave for rapture and for use.
(S 23)
Absolved from aberrations in deep ways,
The ends she recovered for which she was made:
She turned against the evil she had helped EoS
Her engined wrath, her invisible means to slay;
Her dangerous moods and arbitrary force EoS
She surrendered to the service of the soul
And the control of a spiritual will.
(S 24)
A greater despot tamed her despotism.
(S 25)
Assailed, surprised in the fortress of her self,
Conquered by her own unexpected king,
Fulfilled and ransomed by her servitude,
She yielded in a vanquished ecstasy,
Her sealed hermetic wisdom forced from her,
475 Fragments of the mystery of omnipotence.